Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Greatest Basketball Player of All Time

I learned today that the greatest Baller of all time isn't Michael Jordan and is actually Filipino by the name of Gary Pitong. Not Gary Payton but Gari Pitong. The lore goes something like this:

In a game against Michael Jongman's Chikiamco Bulls, the Siangman SumanSonics are down by 20 points, 100-80, with 5 seconds left in the ball game. The Sonics call for time and create a play for the legendary Gary Pitong. Catching the inbound pass, Pitong jumps, puts up the prayer from beyond the arc and MAKES THE SHOT! The announcer shouts: "PITONG THREE POINTS!" Crowd goes wild! Sonics win the game 101-100.

Wow! Astonishing isn't it? A player actually scores 21 points out of a single three-point shot! The game, I later found out, was held at the Urdaneta Stadium in Urdaneta, Pangasinan.

The lore is courtesy of Aga Valencerina.

Pito- n. Filipino for the number 7.
"Pitong three-points!" translates to "7 three points!"

Friday, April 21, 2006

Pinoy-style blogging

I have been browsing through blogspot in search of interesting blogs. I have found out how insignificantly small this humble blog of mine is. Blogspot is VAST! As I moved on from blog to blog, for some reason I am able to easily decipher if a blog (given that they are in English) is created by a Filipino without even looking at the owner's profile. These blogs seem to be more straightforward, non-puzzling and more comprehensible that most blogs. Well composed, systematic, and simply put- understandable, or maybe, they're just closer to the heart. Randomly searching, I stumbled upon two blogs which have writers blogging from Hong Kong and the other from the States. Without doubt, I guessed that the writers were Filipino judging from their writing style, and I guessed right. Perhaps it takes one to know one.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lipton anyone?

1.5 Liters of Green Iced Tea at P47.00 or 250mLiters of the same tea at P18.00? This compels me to take the latter. Though it tastes like Arnibal (a popular sweetener used in Filipino sidewalk beverages) according to Aga, it still is green iced tea priced right. Its effects are happily, beneficial to the body. Now this is one healthy habit that I can boast about, drinking 1.5 Liters of Lipton Green Iced Tea at work! woohoo! I just wish that I was that model at the link I gave you. I can act better than he does. Now, despite the benefits of tea, I still feel sleepy at work, less alert, and over relaxed. Tea-overdose, i call it. Let's drink to that! Overworked. Cheers! "Yeah, Tea can do that."

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Joys and Woes of Wearing Eye Glasses


1. The way it fits: It's hell if it doesn't fit you well.

a. The nose rest is irritating.

b. The frame isn't at level.

2. You have to take it on and off repeatedly just to get that snug fit on top of your nose. (refer to no. 1)

3. It keeps on sliding down your nosebridge.

4. You need to push it up back when no. 3 happens.

5. It aches to wear it for long periods of time. Especially at work.

6. The lens get smudged almost everytime. (back to no.2)

7. There seems to be no perfect effective way to get rid of those smudges! Not good for OC's.

8. You can't see well without them on.

9. You can't see well with them on either.

10. It freakin' costs P2000! (And that's the cheapest pair by the way.)

11. It makes you want to throw up... Bonamine please!


1. It gives you that "scholarly," sophisticated look. (accd. to TL) sounds more like "nerdy" to me.

2. They can be fashionable.

3. A good disguise. People don't recognize you anymore. (if you wear them the first time.)

4. It rectifies poor eyesight. Yes, there is hope. (That we'll see in 6 months' time KC.)

5. Adds 5 years to your age. (This is a woe for some.)

The thought: Keep yourself and your goal in focus, whatever it takes. Wear eyeglasses if you need to. ü

L.A. Lakers

Kobe Bryant for MVP!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Life's a Pizza.

(Salivating Yet? The picture was taken by yours truly at a favorite local pizza joint in Baguio City named Pizza Volante. I share a lot of memories with that pizzateria.)

People are like Pizza. You start with the dough, the crust. Some are made thick, some are made thin, but all are capable of holding the sauce. The sauce or the thick red personality base, is either made sour, sweet, or salty, regardless all are still red. (I haven't seen or tasted one of a different color. And we all run on blood don't we?) Next, there's the cheese; Mozzarella, cheddar, fontina or feta. They differ in texture and color, but all taste good. And I believe in the innate goodness of every person. Then, there's the meat, chicken, anchovy, pork, or beef, (excuse me, vegans) these add character to the pizza. Some face life with fear, others prefer to cut through water effortlessly, some are lean and mean, unafraid. Not to be left out is the relish; mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, pepper, onions, vegies. These are the values we learn in life, they can be homegrown, organic, or mass produced. Some are well endowed, others are shorthanded nevertheless all are still relished. Lastly, pizza is enjoyed only if shared with someone you love. (yiheeee!)

Everyone loves pizza, why the heck is the world at war?