Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Only Way I Know How...

The only way I know of how to please Dad is through my photos. He, being the mastermind of my family's photographic interest, played a major part in my struggle to be the best photographer I can be. With him being in the States and us, being here in the Philippines, the distance between us has grown much much much more as he has joined his Creator exactly 40 days to this date. There is nothing much I can do, Dad, than to continue our shared passion, to which I say through this photo, that I love you so much and that I am sorry for not being a good son to you. May you always watch over us as we continue on with your legacy here on Earth. May you rest in peace and say hello to Daddy George, Uncle Jones, Uncle Paks, and those who have gone before us, We love you and we truly miss you... I hope and pray somehow, that you read my last earthly message to you.


The Nomadic Pinoy said...

That's a touching tribute to your Dad. The legacy he's left behind already shows in your great photos.

rheiboy17 said...

(maalikabok dito, napuwing ako, hikbi)

I'm sure Dad is so proud of his son. Watching his little (big) boy's love to nature,color and art of life.

K.C. said...

Thanks Nomadic Pinoy and rheiboy17! :)