Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Hippopotamus, originally uploaded by karoluscamilius. (circa 2006, HK Disneyland)

Pronunciation: "hi-p&-'pä-t&-m&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -mus·es or hip·po·pot·a·mi /-"mI, -(")mE/
Etymology: Latin, from Greek hippopotamos, alteration of hippos potamios, literally, riverine horse
: a very large herbivorous 4-toed chiefly aquatic artiodactyl mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius) of sub-Saharan Africa with an extremely large head and mouth, bare and very thick grayish skin, and short legs ; also : a smaller closely related mammal (Choeropsis liberiensis) of western Africa

Don't mind the defintion. Actually, what keeps me wondering is the difference between Donald and Daisy's reaction upon seeing the Hippo.


rheiboy17 said...

donald: grrr, how can i hit on daisy, may malaking asungot!
daisy: wow laki!

i love disney, especially now, the only channel my kids (and sad to say me, too) is disney channel! kids rule these days!

K.C. said...

I bet you guys loved High School Musical. I did. hehe.

rheiboy17 said...

who wouldnt be? eh there was a time, na yun ng yun ang pinapalabas, even my two year-old kyan is humming the tune. may kakaiba sa disney.... something hypnotic (that's a hypothesis, needs some validation)